Courses & Workshops

200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training Course [2024]

16 May 2024, Thursday

Course Outline

This year, we are excited to invite practitioners who wish to deepen their practice to join our 120-hour program, which focuses on mastering the core fundamentals of yoga. For those aiming to become certified instructors, the full 200-hour course is available. This includes an additional 80 hours dedicated to teaching methodology, practice teaching, and completing theory and teaching exams.

Our 200-hour comprehensive yoga teacher training course, offered by Real Yoga, is registered with Yoga Alliance USA and meets their certification standards. This transformative course is designed to develop extensive knowledge and skills in both traditional and modern yoga philosophy and practices. Students will gain a solid understanding of Hatha yoga principles and practices and learn effective teaching methodologies.

The entire course is conducted by Real Yoga’s master teacher, Saumik Bera. Upon successful completion, students will be certified by Real Yoga as yoga teachers.

100-Hours Yoga Therapy Course Graduates

Principal Teacher

Master Saumik 


Master Adi
Teacher Chandan
Teacher Kumar


Who is this course for?

This course is appropriate for serious students who would like to start teaching yoga or seeking a yoga career, as well as students who would like to deepen their own knowledge and personal practice.

This course is also suitable for existing yoga teachers who want to upgrade their knowledge and teaching skills. You will gain the fullest and deepest understanding of the physical and spiritual side of yoga that combines together to create an exceptional yoga teacher.


Course Venue:

Real Yoga Premium, Raffles City #03-02, 252 North Bridge Rd, Singapore 179103


Course Dates:

6-Weeks (120 Hrs For Practitioners): 16 August 2024 to 29 September 2024
8-Weeks (200 Hrs For Teachers): 16 August 2024 to 6 October 2024


Course Syllabus

6-Weeks (120 Hrs For Practitioners)
* 90 Hours: Physical Class
* 10 Hours: Virtual Class
* 20 Hours: Pre-recording Class

8-Weeks (200 Hrs For Teachers)
* 90 Hours: Physical Class
* 10 Hours: Virtual Class
* 20 Hours: Pre-recording Class
* 30 Hours: Teaching Methodology & Exam
* 50 Hours: Practice Teaching (Within 4 mths upon completion of ALL Modules)

Wheel Yoga Course conducted by Master Saumik



Full Module Led by Master Saumik and co-conducted by yoga teachers, Kumar, Chandan, Master Adi



Virtual Class Schedule: 10-Hours

August 22 – September 26: Every Thursday via Zoom from 8:00pm to 9:30pm (except for September 26, when the class will be from 7:00pm to 9:30pm)

Physical Class Schedule

Every Friday: 6pm-9pm
Every Saturday & Sunday: 1pm-7pm

(Except Kriya Practical on 31 August, 8am-2pm)

200-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course: Back Bend Module







Anatomy & Back Bend




Pranayama & Meditation




Kriya Theory & Practical





Standing Asana & Twists




Seating Asana & Inversion




Body Anatomy & Backbend









Teaching Methodology




Writing Exam




Practical Exam




Course Fee:

6 Weeks to Master Fundamental Yoga (120 hours) S$ 1200 (Members: S$ 1000 or 300 Credit+$700)
8 Weeks to Yoga Alliance Certified Instructor (200 hours) – S$ 3000 (Member: $ 2800 or 840 Credit+$1960)

200-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course: Exam



We recommend a regular practice of 6 months prior to this course.


Make An Enquiry

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Are you unsure if you’re ready to take the leap into becoming a certified yoga instructor? Join our two transformative 90-minute workshops to evaluate your readiness.


1. Will the theory exam be covered in the class?
Yes, all theoretical aspects of yoga will be thoroughly covered throughout the course.

2. Are the virtual class sessions on Thursday evenings focused on theory or practice?
Answer: The virtual class sessions will only cover theory.

3.How do the pre-recorded classes work?
Answer: Pre-recorded classes are video recordings that will be shared online. Students can watch them anytime and anywhere at their convenience. These classes primarily cover topics related to the theory of body anatomy.

4. Is the 50 hours of practice teaching included in the 200-hour course?
Answer: Yes, the 50 hours of practice teaching are a required component of the 200-hour course. Students must complete these 50 hours within four months after finishing 150 hours of learning, starting from October 6, 2024.

5. Do practical exams mean that students need to teach?
Answer: Yes, for those enrolled in the 200-hour course to become certified teachers, the practical exam involves teaching yoga. However, those who enroll in the 120-hour course to deepen their knowledge of yoga are not required to take either the theory or practical exams.

6.For the 50 hours of practice training, do I have to organize my own classes to fulfill the hours, or will they be arranged by Real Yoga?
Answer: You may organize your own classes. Simply keep record of all the dates and times of your classes to log the required clock hours.


Ian Leong,
November 2021 graduate, Yoga Teacher

“Joining the yoga teacher training course, one would expect to learn the niches, tips and tricks of becoming a good yoga teacher. I was no different.
I went into the course expecting to learn proper asana alignment to adjust practitioners, dialogues and cues to guide students and deepening my self practice. I soon realized the YTTC was more than just that.
Master Saumik gave the students a safe place to share, learn and practice together. It was a course where new friendships, new memories and new experiences made the whole 150 hours of learning an unforgettable, once in a lifetime journey. Meeting like-minded individuals, I learnt that age, color, gender, size are no barrier when it comes to our love of practicing yoga.
Master Saumik created a positive and reflective environment where we could share anything from personal issues to anatomy questions with him and the class. He is also an ‘ocean’ of knowledge not only in yoga practice and postures but also in the human psyche, allowing us to learn so much more about ourselves which helps us in understanding what yoga teacher we would like to become. His constructive feedback throughout the course and our 50 Hrs of teaching allowed us to effectively recognise our blindspot and improve at an exponential rate.
For me the YTTC was more than just another course, it was a journey of self discovery. Many who are planning to attend a YTC want to become good yoga teachers. I believe that under Master Saumik, he paves the stepping stones for us to become great yoga teachers.”


May 2019 graduate, Yoga Teacher

“I attended the YTTC in May 2019, and I have definitely gained lots of knowledge and experience through this course. The most interesting part is where we are able to learn different types of body doing doing types of asanas. Learning process have always been memorable as the learning atmosphere is always filled with laughter. Besides gaining Yoga-related knowledge, I also learnt more about myself, a huge reflection on my personality. I would like to thank Master Saumik, for being so professional, being able to guide all of us individually based on our weakness and strengths. Thank you for passing down your knowledge, encouraging and planting positive vibes to us daily. Highly recommended to Yogis to attend YTTC by Master Saumik (:!”

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