I would love to express my gratitude towards the teachers, staffs, management and members in Real Yoga.
Thank you to all the teachers for your sharing and guidance. It has inspired me in many ways towards my yogic path and life in general. I would love to acknowledge and give thanks to a few teachers that helped me grow in my yoga practice, health, and mind. Namely, Kumar, Soni, Chandan, Lucas, Ting Ting, Master Saumik, Mira, Amrit, Marta, Gaur, Pravesh, and Binay. I also want to give a special mention to Shraddha, who has inspired me by always giving her class with a full heart, with enlightenment, and with love.
Thank you to all the administrative and customer service staff that provide support requests, feedback, provide activity information, as well as a clean environment for me to practice yoga in a comfortable environment.
Thank you to the management provide the facility, and the effort put to organize different types of classes for me to try.
In Real Yoga, i have met lots of kind souls and like-minded person to share the yoga knowledge and experiences with. I am glad that we have been practicing together in the same space.
I was a hyperthyroid patient when I first joined Real Yoga. Through regular practice, I regained my health by knowing how to let go of things that are not serving its purpose in my life. Through asana practice, I gain more strength, flexibility, balance, and eventually a stable and strong body. Through pranayama practice, I gain awareness of how i live my daily life and create space for myself to face all the challenges in life. Through meditation practice, I am slowly connecting with my inner world, instead of looking the “outside”. My practice makes me grow everyday to become a more mindful and aware person, learning to live in the present moment and appreciate everything in life.
Please continue to make yoga easy accessible to people, and continue to bring love and peace of mind to the people around the world. Namaste 🙏🏻
“As you dissolve into love, your ego fades. You’re not thinking about loving; you’re just being love, radiating like the sun.” — Ram Dass